Jodie Willard
is an International Photojournalist who specializes in disaster relief work focusing on women and children that have been displaced by war, famine or natural disaster. Based in Santa Barbara, her assignments have taken her to over 30 countries in the last 15 years. She has documented war and natural disasters for The Women’s Commission, The International Rescue Committee, Bill Clinton special envoy and Direct Relief International.

In addition to disaster relief work, her love for the natural world and her passion for adventure have evolved into working underwater in the Southern Pacific and the Polar Region with on going expeditions and exploration in the Antarctic. Jodie has a life long commitment to inspire young women to reach and explore extreme environments while educating and inspiring others to respect and preserve our fragile planet. She strongly believes that with education and the power of an image, we can provoke change.
View more of Jodie’s work at: www.jodiewillard.com.